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Fifth Grade Math Worksheets

Fifth Grade The fifth grade section of this site is divided into four parts: arithmetic, measurement, money and time. Follow the links below to visit a page full of math worksheet wizards for each topic. Please link to or bookmark this page so you can come back and make more math worksheets for your fifth graders.

Grades: Kindergarten | First Grade | Second Grade | Third Grade | Fourth Grade

Arithmetic Worksheets - Fifth Grade / Year 5

Arithmetic Worksheets The arithmetic section continues to teach multiplication and division, and also offers worksheet wizards for percentages, ratios, decimals, fractions and more. Your children will learn about rounding numbers and improper fractions, too.

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Measurement Worksheets - Fifth Grade / Year 5

Measurement Worksheets In the fifth grade measurment unit, your children will learn about quadrilaterals and how to plot them on a graph. They will also draw graphs to represent sales figures and museum visits. Other worksheets in this section include "greater of less than", "world weather", and exercises for temperature and angles.

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Money Worksheets - Fifth Grade / Year 5

Money Worksheets This section focuses on real life situations involving money. For example, there are worksheets for shopping at sport shops and visiting theme parks and aquariums. There are also exercises to test arithemtic skills with money, using values between 10 and 100 dollars, pounds or euros.

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Time Worksheets - Fifth Grade / Year 5

Time Worksheets Your students will be proficient in telling the time by grade 5, so this section is dedicated to practising times with the 24-hour clock. As an extra challenge there is a worksheet with a steam train timetable. Your students need to calculate journey lengths according to departure and arrival times.

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