Grade 2 Number Worksheets
Children in Second Grade should work toward counting up to one hundred, counting forwards and backwards in ones, twos, fives and tens, recognize number sequences, and begin to recognize multiples. These math worksheet wizards are designed to help your children reach these goals through various sequencing and addition/subtraction worksheets.
Note: Most of these worksheets use numbers up to 100.
Related pages in Numbers:
Kindergarten Numbers (0-20) | Grade 1 Numbers (0-30)
Related pages in this year group:
Grade 2 Arithmetic | Grade 2 Money | Grade 2 Time
Circle Grid for Multiples | |
Make a circle grid for multiples practice. This wizard makes a grid of three overlapping circles, each containing a number you choose. Your children need to write multiples of each number in the various parts of the grid. So if you have the numbers 3 and 4, you'll write 6 in the "3" section, 8 in the "4" section, but 12 will go in the overlapping section because 12 is a multiple of both 3 and 4. |
Missing Numbers | |
Make a missing numbers worksheet. You can use this wizard to make worksheets with numbers that increment by chosen number from 1-10. The numbers will be within the ranges 1-10, 2-20, 3-30... 10-100 according to the increment you choose. |
Number Plus X | |
Create an addition match-up worksheet with numbers. Choose an X value betwen one and twelve, and pick a range of numbers for this math wizard. Have your students find the number on the right side of the worksheet that is X more than the number on the left, then have them match the numbers with a line. |
More and Less | |
Make a more or less butterfly worksheet with numbers up to 99. On the belly of each butterfly is a number from within the range you specify. Choose a difference from 1 to 12, and ask your children to subtract that number from the number on the butterfly, and write the answer on the left wing. Then they should add the difference to the number on the butterfly and write their answer on the right wing. |
Order the Numbers - Up to 99 | |
Make an ordering worksheet with numbers up to 99. The top half of the worksheet needs your children to put the numbers in the right order from smallest to largest. The bottom half of the sheet asks your students to order numbers backwards. |
Number Line | |
Use this number line maker to practice counting and arithemtic skills. |